It’s chick season! Have new chickens and need some help? Buffalo Country Store has a guide for you, offering tips and tricks on chicken care, as well as a trained team ready to answer your questions.

Are you ready for chickens? Here are your first steps:
Double-check your city & county ordinances (here's the info for Buffalo MN)
Prepare chicken living space, secure fencing, & poultry products
Research feeding, maintenance, and breed choices
Order food & supplies
Order your chicks! Here are a few breeds that are popular as backyard chickens:
Planning your coop! Things to consider:
Square footage of the coop
On the ground or off the ground?
Coop height: do you want to stand in it, or just reach in?
How are you planning to enclose it?
Is there enough space for all your birds?
Tips on how to handle chicken poop 💩:
Chickens will have fecal waste; make sure you follow city requirements for disposal
Clean your coop frequently to prevent unwanted smells and waste build-up
If offering food scraps, make sure they’re not attracting predators, flies, or other nuisances
Which breeds should I get? What do I need?
Hoover's Hatchery is a great source of information to learn more about different breeds and their requirements!
What’s a brooder?
Chicks love a smaller environment to first live in.
Miller Manufacturing Company makes a great chick brooder that is perfect for the first couple of months!
What type of equipment do I need?
Age-appropriate waterers and feeders are very important to get things started!
Chick feeders and waterers are available at the Buffalo Country Store.
Choosing food for your chicks!
Medicated, non-medicated, and/or organic food choices are available at the country store!
Age-appropriate food is important for chicks of all ages!
What’s Grit?
It is essential for gut health in chickens!
Health Products for your chickens
Buffalo Country Store offers a variety of other products you might need for your chickens including wound care, electrolytes, and probiotics.
Adult Feeders and Waterers
Buffalo Country Store has everything you need from adult feeders to waterers.
Food scraps and chicken treats are best to wait until the chickens are full grown.
Have more questions? Stop by one of our five store locations to chat with our knowledgeable team members!
Centra Sota Country Store locations:
Buffalo MN
Little Falls MN
Upsala MN
Sauk Centre MN
St. Martin MN
For more information visit our website!