Conservation Education, Cover Crops Series - Issue 1

What is berseem clover?
Berseem clover is a hollowed stem annual legume that is an excellent soil health contributor and nitrogen fixer. On average, it can supply 75 - 150 lbs of nitrogen for the next cash crop's use.
How is berseem clover planted?
Berseem clover should be planted after May 15th to reduce the risk of frost kill and injury.
When established as an alternative forage, this clover should be drilled in at 18-20 pounds/acre at a depth of 1/8".
If planting is done incorrectly, clover will leave out underground and die.
If utilizing berseem clover as a cover crop with additional species, 3-5 lbs is needed.
What are the growing conditions?
When temperatures are at or around 60°, berseem clover will be ready to cut at roughly 60 days. The clover's hollowed stem makes for quick hay dry-down. Berseem clover yields dry matter tonnage similar to alfalfa in 2-3 cuttings during the growing season.
What are the benefits of using berseem clover as a cover crop?
Berseem clover is an excellent soil health contributor and nitrogen fixer; on average it adds from 75-150 lbs of nitrogen to soil.
In a grazing mixture, it makes for a great late-summer / early-fall grazer with low potential for animal bloat.
Berseem clover can be planted alone and used as a forage, or combined with other species as a cover crop.
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