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Cover Crop Series: Festulolium

Updated: 4 days ago

Welcome back to our weekly cover crop series! Every week, we spotlight a different cover crop, sharing tips on growing them and exploring their pros and cons. This week’s highlight: Festulolium!

Planting Details:

  • Should be planted between March and May or August and September.

  • The minimum germination temperature for planting is 40 degrees F.

  • On the winter hardiness scale, Festulolium is scored 5/5.

About Festulolium:

  • Cool-season forage grass and is both cold and heat tolerant.

  • Hybrid of meadow fescue or tall fescue with perennial or Italian ryegrass.

  • Fast-starting, high-quality forage for silage or pasture.

  • Performs well with snow cover, though not a permanent forage species making it suitable for cold weather.


  • Festulolium pairs well with other forage species such as alfalfa, clover, annual ryegrasses, perennial ryegrass, and others.


  • Hay or Haylage Harvest (cut boot to mid-bloom).

Interested in learning more about crops or find info on how to get started? Visit our Cover Crops page, or Contact our Environmental Services team at 

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