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Cover Crop Series: Piper Sudangrass

Updated: Sep 24

Each week we are highlighting a different cover crop species, sharing information about how you can grow them, and what challenges or benefits they offer. This week's cover crop is Piper Sudangrass!

Planting Details:

  • Should be planted between June 1st and August 1st north of interstate 94.

  • The minimum germination temperature for planting should be 65 degrees F.

  • Planting rate should be 25-38 lbs./acre and planted 1/2-1" deep.

About Piper Sudangrass:

  • Warm-season annual grass that can be grown as a cover crop or forage crop.

  • Makes excellent forage for livestock and is often used for grazing, silage, or hay production.

  • It is drought-tolerant and ideal for dry regions.

Benefits Soil Health:

  • Increases organic matter and reduces soil erosion.

  • Suppresses weeds due to its dense growth.

  • Reduces compaction in soil with its deep root system.

Interested in learning more about crops or find info on how to get started? Visit our Cover Crops page, or Contact our Environmental Services team at 

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