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Cover Crop Series: Sorghum Sudangrass

Updated: Sep 24

It's time for another weekly cover crop feature! Each week, we're diving into a new cover crop species, offering insights on how to grow them and discussing their benefits and challenges. This week's focus is Sorghum Sudangrass!

Planting Details:

  • Should be planted between June 1st and August 1st north of interstate 94.

  • The minimum germination temperature for planting should be 65 degrees F.

  • Planting rate should be 25-38 lbs./acre and planted 1/2-1 1/2" deep.

About Sorghum Sudangrass:

  • Hybrid of sorghum and sudangrass, widely used as a cover crop.

  • Known for its rapid growth and ability to thrive in hot conditions.

  • Adds significant organic matter to soil when incorporated back.

Benefits Soil Health:

  • Increases soil organic matter, improving soil structure and fertility.

  • Its deep roots break up soil compaction and help improve water infiltration.

Special Note:

  • Prussic acid levels rise after a killing frost, so avoid grazing or cutting for 10-28 days after frost to prevent toxicity in livestock

Interested in learning more about crops or find info on how to get started? Visit our Cover Crops page, or Contact our Environmental Services team at 

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