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Cover Crop Series: Winter Barley

Updated: 1 day ago

Ready for our next cover crop spotlight? Every week, we introduce a new cover crop species, providing growing advice along with the benefits and challenges they bring. This week’s feature is Winter Barley!

Planting Details:

  • Should be planted between July 15th and October 15th north of interstate 94.

  • The minimum germination temperature for planting should be 38 degrees F.

  • Planting rate should be 50-75 lbs./acre and planted 3/4- 1 1/2" deep.

About Winter Barley:

  • Winter barley is a cereal grain that survives winter conditions.

  • It is known for its ability to provide high-quality forage and act as a host for mycorrhizal fungi.

  • It complements most cover crop mixes, enhancing overall soil benefits.


Low Maintenance

  • Barley can smother weeds, which can reduce the need for herbicides.

  • Because barley breaks down quickly, fields that were planted with barley require less tillage, which can help preserve soil structure.

Soil Health

  • Barley can help reduce soil erosion and protect topsoil during drought.

Interested in learning more about crops or find info on how to get started? Visit our Cover Crops page, or Contact our Environmental Services team at 

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